Jesuit High School

11 - 100 Employees

Jesuit High School

11 - 100 Employees
Jesuit High School

Jesuit High School (JHS) is a Catholic, college preparatory school in the Jesuit tradition. Located on the border between Portland and Beaverton, Oregon, JHS is recognized locally and nationally for excellence and innovation in all of its programs. Jesuit High’s motto, Age Quod Agis (“Do well whatever you do”), follows in the five-century tradition of St. Ignatius, who demanded that Jesuit schools make use of the best pedagogical practices of the day to allow students to flourish. We are seeking professionals who have the ability to provide academic, educational and personal inspiration to our students, toward our goal of preparing "men and women for others."

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Jesuit High School
Employee Interviews
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August 2024